

Fashion Film Stardust Academy featured in i-D Italy

Stardust Academy is a short, experimental Retro Futurist Fashion Film inspired by the exploration of identity and meaning, with cosmically retro elements of Italo-Disco and Quantum Physics sprinkled throughout. With comparisons to David Lynch, Dario Argento and John Waters, i-D Italy calls Ariane Laezza’s directorial debut a dystopian journey with a V for Vendetta feel.

Se Lynch avesse girato una televendita di materassi negli anni '90, sarebbe stata così. Purtroppo non è successo davvero, ma questo cortometraggio ci si avvicina molto


Press Photos for Vivek Shraya’s People Change in Psychology Today.

Photography and Styling for People Change, Vivek Shraya’s latest book that explores the motivations, fears, and lessons of self-evolution.

Creative Direction for this project revolved around the idea of how we choose to present ourselves to the world, and how this can evolve throughout our lives. The aesthetic was inspired by various archetypes as well as passport photos that are often used to communicate our identities.


A Conversation With Buonissimo Magazine.

Published by the Italian Chamber of Commerce, Buonissimo magazine discusses the origins of Nonna Life, a lifestyle brand created by Ariane Laezza that celebrates the iconic Italian grandmother: Nonna.

On her Instagram account, @thatnonnalife, Laezza immortalizes throwback Italian culture, mixing photos of sugo-making Sundays and wood-panelled ‘70s basements with memes about Jolen bleach (if you know, you know).